

ALL Smokers NEED to know THIS about Sea Moss

ALL Smokers NEED to know this about Sea Moss

Does Sea Moss help smokers? – YES

How does Sea Moss Help smokers?

Sea Moss also known as Irish Moss has quickly been acknowledged for its wide variety of benefits. Smokers suffer with large amounts of mucus build up and phlegm. Also in smokers the airways in the lungs become inflamed. As a result smokers get coughs, can have difficulty in breathing and reduced air flow.

All smokers need to know this about Sea Moss. Sea Moss is packed with 92 minerals (our body needs a total of 102), 13 vitamins, antioxidants, Omega fatty acids, protein and dietary fibre.

3 Active Ingredients in Sea Moss

There are three ingredients in the makeup of quality Sea Moss: Omega 3 oils, Chlorophyll and Potassium Chloride.

Demulcent herbs soothe and protect irritations or inflammations. Rich in carbohydrate mucilage made up of complex polysaccharide molecules, sea moss shows its effectiveness. Becoming slimy and gummy once in contact with water. This physical property has an immediate action on the lining of the organs

Sea Moss Super Charges Smokers AND Non Smokers

So, in addition to Sea Moss’ ability to help by soothing. Because of this Sea Moss is very useful in exercise as well as day to day life.

Finally, this is great news. Ultimately regular consumption of Sea Moss can definitely help.

Our Sea Moss Gel is tasteless, easy to swallow and as easy as taking 1 heaped teaspoon a day.

Try Our Multivitamin Sea Moss Gummies!

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